Douglas Stebila
List of presentations
This page contains slides from research presentations I have given, organized in chronological order, starting with the most recent.
- 2024-10-08: Post-Quantum Cryptography. Presented at Messaging Malware Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG) 62nd General Meeting, Toronto.
- 2024-10-08: A Real-World Law-Enforcement Breach of End-to-End Encrypted Messaging: The Case of Encrochat. Presented at Messaging Malware Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG) 62nd General Meeting, Toronto.
- 2024-08-18: A Real-World Law-Enforcement Breach of End-to-End Encrypted Messaging: The Case of Encrochat. Presented at Workshop on Attacks in Cryptography 7 (WAC7).
- 2023-09-21: New Inititatives in Open-Source Post-Quantum Software. Presented at International Cryptographic Module Conference 2024.
- 2023-03-26: Standardizing post-quantum cryptography at the IETF. Presented at Real World PQC.
- 2023-03-09: A brief introduction to lattice-based cryptography. Presented at University of Waterloo Pure Math, Applied Math, and C&O Club.
- 2023-02-21: Rethinking Internet protocols for post-quantum cryptography. Presented at Virginia Tech.
- 2023-01-18: Post-quantum cryptography. Presented at Quantum Days 2023.
- 2022-08-22: Integrating post-quantum cryptography into real-world protocols part 1. Presented at SAC Summer School 2022.
- 2022-08-22: Integrating post-quantum cryptography into real-world protocols part 2. Presented at SAC Summer School 2022.
- 2022-07-12: Proving KEMTLS in Tamarin. Presented at Secure Key Exchange and Channels workshop (SKECH).
- 2022-06-27: Preparing for post-quantum TLS. Presented at European Space Agency workshop on Secure Communications for Space Missions in the Post-Quantum Era. Based on [PQCrypto-PaqSteTam20] [draft-ietf-tls-hybrid-design]
- 2022-05-12: Recent results for KEMTLS. Presented at Technology Innovation Institute. Based on [CCS-SchSteWig20] [ESORICS-SchSteWig21] [EPRINT-GHLOSZ22]
- 2021-12-14: Transitioning the TLS protocol to post-quantum cryptography. Presented at Cryptology and Network Security (CANS) 2021.
- 2021-09-29: Integrating post-quantum cryptography into protocols: the case of TLS. Presented at Post-Quantum Networks Workshop.
- 2021-09-23: Transitioning the TLS protocol to post-quantum security. Presented at University of Surrey.
- 2021-07-28: Hybrid key exchange in TLS 1.3. Presented at IETF 111. Based on [draft-ietf-tls-hybrid-design]
- 2021-05-13: Post-quantum TLS without handshake signatures. Presented at Alphabet. Based on [CCS-SchSteWig20]
- 2021-03-18: Open Quantum Safe update and Post-quantum TLS without handshake signatures. Presented at VMware PQC Forum. Based on [CCS-SchSteWig20]
- 2021-02-05: Making and breaking implicitly authenticated post-quantum key exchange. Presented at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security. Based on [CCS-SchSteWig20] [EPRINT-BinSteVei20]
- 2020-11-17: Post-quantum TLS. Presented at Indian Workshop on Post-Quantum Cryptography. Based on [CCS-SchSteWig20] [NISTPQC-PaqSteTam20] [NISTPQC-CroPaqSte19]
- 2020-10-21: The current status of post-quantum cryptography. Presented at SERENE-RISC 2020 Workshop.
- 2020-10-07: Prototyping post-quantum crypto in software and Internet protocols. Presented at NIST National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence Virtual Workshop on Considerations in Migrating to Post-Quantum Cryptographic Algorithms.
- 2020-06-09: Contact Tracing Apps. Presented at Quantum-Safe Canada Cybersecurity Symposium.
- 2020-02-07: Exploring post-quantum cryptography in Internet protocols. Presented at Netherlands Crypto Workshop. Based on [PQCrypto-PaqSteTam20]
- 2019-12-17: Exploring post-quantum cryptography in Internet protocols. Presented at Grenoble Alpes Cybersecurity Institute Workshop on Post-Quantum Cryptography. Based on [PQCrypto-PaqSteTam20]
- 2019-12-13: Exploring post-quantum cryptography in Internet protocols. Presented at IBM Research Zurich. Based on [PQCrypto-PaqSteTam20]
- 2019-08-22: Prototyping post-quantum and hybrid key exchange and authentication in TLS and SSH. Presented at NIST 2nd Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Conference 2019, Santa Barbara, California. Based on [NISTPQC-CroPaqSte19]
- 2019-07-25: Hybrid key exchange in TLS 1.3. Presented at IETF 105, Montreal, Canada. Based on [draft-stebila-tls-hybrid-design]
- 2018-09-12: Cryptography and finance: overview, trends, the quantum threat. Presented at Ontario Securities Commission Academy.
- 2018-08-29: Transitioning to post-quantum cryptography. Presented at GoSec conférence sur la cybersécurité 2018, Montréal, Canada.
- 2018-06-15: Provable security of Internet cryptography protocols. Presented at Summer school on real-world crypto and privacy.
- 2018-06-11: Introduction to post-quantum cryptography and learning with errors. Presented at Summer school on real-world crypto and privacy.
- 2017-10-04: Understanding the impact of quantum computers on information security. Presented at Global Risk Institute Summit 2017. Based on [SAC-SteMos16]
- 2017-09-18: Practical post-quantum key exchange. Presented at QCrypt 2017, University of Cambridge, UK. Based on [SAC-SteMos16]
- 2017-08-14: Post-Quantum Cryptography - Part 2: LWE-based cryptography. Presented at Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC) Summer School, Ottawa, Canada.
- 2017-08-14: Post-Quantum Cryptography - Part 4b: Applications. Presented at Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC) Summer School, Ottawa, Canada.
- 2017-06-22: Preparing for post-quantum and hybrid cryptography on the Internet. Presented at Workshop on Quantum CyberSecurity, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.
- 2017-04-30: Preparing for post-quantum cryptography in TLS. Presented at TLS:DIV workshop (collocated with EuroS&P / Eurocrypt 2017). Based on [draft-schanck-tls-additional-keyshare] [SAC-SteMos16] [CCS-BCDMNNRS16] [PQ-BHMS17]
- 2017-03-16: Preparing for post-quantum and hybrid cryptography on the Internet. Presented at Concordia University Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering (CIISE).
- 2017-02-16: How cryptography protects your information every day. Presented at McMaster Faculty of Engineering Lunch and Learn.
- 2016-11-18: Post-quantum key exchange for the Internet. Presented at Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Based on [SAC-SteMos16]
- 2016-11-14: Post-quantum key exchange for the Internet and the Open Quantum Safe Project. Presented at Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Based on [SAC-SteMos16]
- 2016-09-21: Practical, quantum-secure key exchange from LWE. Presented at 4th ETSI/IQC Workshop on Quantum-Safe Cryptography, Toronto, Canada. Based on [CCS-BCDMNNRS16]
- 2016-08-12: Post-quantum key exchange for the Internet. Presented at Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC) 2016, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Stafford Tavares invited lecture. Based on [SAC-SteMos16]
- 2015-11-27: Protecting encrypted cookies from compression side-channel attacks. Presented at University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. Based on [FC-AlaSteBoy15]
- 2015-10-01: Post-quantum key exchange for the TLS protocol from the ring learning with errors problem. Presented at CROSSING Collaborative Research Centre Darmstadt. Based on [SP-BCNS15]
- 2015-09-02: Quantum key distribution. Presented at QUT Mathematics Society.
- 2015-05-19: Post-quantum key exchange for the TLS protocol from the ring learning with errors problem. Presented at IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy (S&P) 2015. Based on [SP-BCNS15]
- 2015-05-15: Post-quantum key exchange for the TLS protocol from the ring learning with errors problem. Presented at QUT Information Security Colloquium. Based on [SP-BCNS15]
- 2015-02-18: Protecting encrypted cookies from compression side-channel attacks. Presented at Microsoft Research, Cambridge. Based on [FC-AlaSteBoy15]
- 2015-01-22: Protecting encrypted cookies from compression side-channel attacks. Presented at Royal Holloway, University of London. Based on [FC-AlaSteBoy15]
- 2015-01-08: Post-quantum key exchange for the TLS protocol from the ring learning with errors problem. Presented at Real World Cryptography 2015. Based on [SP-BCNS15]
- 2014-09-30: Quantum key distribution. Presented at PQCrypto 2014 Summer School.
- 2014-09-22: Provable security of advanced properties of TLS and SSH. Presented at University of Waterloo Centre for Applied Cryptographic Research. Based on [CCS-GieKohSte13] [CCS-BDKSS14]
- 2014-09-09: Provable security of advanced properties of TLS and SSH. Presented at Gjøvik University College, Norway. Based on [CCS-GieKohSte13] [CCS-BDKSS14]
- 2014-07-29: The cryptography of Bitcoin. Presented at QUT Mathematics Society.
- 2014-07-18: Provable security of advanced properties of TLS and SSH. Presented at Microsoft Research Redmond. Based on [CCS-GieKohSte13] [CCS-BDKSS14]
- 2014-06-03: Provable security of advanced properties of TLS and SSH. Presented at Secure Key Exchange and Channels Workshop 2014, Bertinoro, Italy. More technical version of January 2014 talk below. Based on [CCS-GieKohSte13] [CCS-BDKSS14]
- 2014-05-20: The cryptography of Bitcoin. Presented at Bitcoin Brisbane Meetup.
- 2014-01-14: Provable security of advanced properties of TLS and SSH. Presented at Real World Cryptography 2014. Less technical version of June 2014 talk above. Based on [CCS-GieKohSte13] [CCS-BDKSS14]
- 2013-11-05: On the security of TLS renegotiation. Presented at ACM CCS 2013. Based on [CCS-GieKohSte13]
- 2013-08-22: Quantum one-time programs. Presented at CRYPTO 2013. Based on [C-BroGutSte13]
- 2013-04-01: Usability and security of gaze-based graphical grid passwords. Presented at USEC 2013. Based on [USEC-AriSteMoz13]
- 2012-11-02: On the security of TLS renegotiation. Presented at QUT Information Security Colloquium. Based on [CCS-GieKohSte13]
- 2012-10-04: On the security of TLS renegotiation. Presented at Royal Holloway, University of London. Based on [CCS-GieKohSte13]
- 2012-09-17: Anonymity and one-way authentication in key exchange protocols. Presented at Dagstuhl workshop on privacy-oriented cryptography. Based on [DCC-GolSteUst13]
- 2012-09-13: Quantum key distribution in the classical authenticated key exchange framework. Presented at QCRYPT 2012. Based on [PQCrypto-MosSteUst13]
- 2012-08-30: Elliptic curve cryptography. Presented at QUT Mathematics Society.
- 2012-06-29: Taking MAB122/127 online. Presented at QUT School of Mathematical Sciences.
- 2011-12-02: Efficient modular exponentiation-based puzzles for denial-of-service protection. Presented at ICISC 2011. Based on [ICISC-RSBGK11]
- 2011-04-26: Reinforcing bad behaviour: the misuse of security indicators on popular websites. Presented at Indiana University Bloomington School of Informatics. Based on [OZCHI-Stebila10]
- 2011-02-17: Stronger difficulty notions for client puzzles and denial-of-service-resistant protocols. Presented at CT-RSA 2011. Based on [CTRSA-SKRBG11]
- 2011-01-25: DoS-resistant key exchange: models and mechanisms. Presented at Centre for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt (CASED). Based on [CTRSA-SKRBG11] [ASIACCS-RSBG11]
- 2010-12-07: A menu for the Dining Cryptographers. Presented at ASIACRYPT 2010 Rump Session. Presented with Dic Bolony. Won the Best Rump Session Talk award.
- 2010-11-25: Reinforcing bad behaviour: the misuse of security indicators on popular websites. Presented at OZCHI 2010. Based on [OZCHI-Stebila10]
- 2010-07-06: One-time-password-authenticated key exchange. Presented at ACISP 2010. Based on [ACISP-PatSte10]
- 2010-07-06: Predicate-based key exchange. Presented at ACISP 2010. Presented by James Birkett. Based on [ACISP-BirSte10]
- 2010-01-20: Multi-factor password-authenticated key exchange. Presented at AISC 2010. Based on [AISC-SteUduCha10]