Douglas Stebila
New York • 2011
blog post: 2012-01-04: New Year's Eve in Times Squareblog post: 2012-01-06: A weekend in New York City

Lower Manhattan


Midtown and Central Park

New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street

Brooklyn Bridge at night

Cars on the Brooklyn Bridge

United Nations building

Flags in front of the United Nations

The Chrysler Building

Yellow taxi cabs in front of the Chrysler Building

Interior of Grand Central Terminal

Departure board in Grand Central Terminal

View along 42nd Street

Reading Room of the New York Public Library

4 Times Square

1 Times Square

Where the ball drops

Looking north on Times Square

View along Broadway


Portraits in Sardi's

Interior of Sardi's

Chaos in Times Square on December 30

Rehearsing on the main stage in Times Square

Ryan Seacrest on the main stage in Times Square

Rockefeller Center

Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center

Joe, Lesley, and I at Rockefeller Center

Angels heralding the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center

Apple Store 5th Avenue

Empire State Building

Lobby of the Empire State Building

View of lower Manhattan from the Empire State Building

View north east from the Empire State Building

The Dakota

Strawberry Fields memorial in Central Park

Joe, Lesley, and I in Central Park

Central Park

Joe and Lesley on New Year's Eve

Looking down 7th Avenue on New Year's Eve

Happy New Year!

Me in New York on New Year's Eve