Douglas Stebila
New York, Philadelphia, and Washington • 2006

New York Stock Exchange

Interior of Grand Central Station

The top of the Chrysler Building

Reading Room, New York Public Library

Taxicabs in Manhattan

Easter in Rockefeller Square


Interior of the Guggenheim

Interior of the Guggenheim

Times Square at night

Geno's Philly Cheese Steaks

Liberty Bell

Independence Hall

First US Senate

First Library of Congress

Independence Square

Exterior, Carpentar's Hall

Philadelphia Museum of Fine Art

View of Philadelphia

The Washington Monument

Base of the Washington Monument

The White House

World War II Memorial

Lincoln Memorial and the Reflecting Pond

Vietnam War Memorial


Korean War Memorial

Inscription at the Roosevelt Memorial
Jefferson Memorial
Thomas Jefferson
The Dome of the Capitol
The Mall
Dome of the US Capitol
Apollo lander
Nuclear missiles
Model of the USS Enterprise
Steps of the Supreme Court
Supreme Court chamber