Douglas Stebila
Auntie Joe's Cottage • 2005
Mist rises in Auntie Joe's backyard (2)
Looking south on Gull River
Frosted pine needles
Frosted maple leaf, close up
Auntie Joe's cottage, covered with snow
Mr. Jones, ready for the cold
Snow-covered reindeer
An exercise in focus
Joe and Mr. Jones
A blue jay hiding in the pines
Birch trees along Gull River
A snow covered dock on Gull River
Moore Lake frozen over
At Auntie Joe's cottage
With Auntie Joe and Mr. Jones
Chipmunk peeking out from the rain spout
The front lawn
A peeling birch tree
A quiet Moore Lake
Canoeing with mom on Moore Lake
Canoeing on Moore Lake
Canoeing with mom and Mr. Jones on Gull River
Mr. Jones on the back deck
The cottage
The dock at dawn